A recent study suggested that reproductive nest-association of nonindigenous rough shiner (Notropis baileyi) may be contributing to changes in abundances of native bluehead chubs (Nocomis leptocephalus) and bandfin shiners (Luxilus zonistius) in the Chattahoochee River system. We used video-recording techniques to determine whether rough shiners associate with nests built by native fishes, and if so, whether they influence the reproduction of other native nest-associates. Results indicated that rough shiners did not appear to adversely affect native fish reproductive behavior, and in fact, may be competitively excluded from optimal spawning areas by other nest-associates. These results support the hypothesis that reproductive nest-association by nonindigenous rough shiner may facilitate its increase as well as the increase of bluehead chubs within this drainage. Previously unreported spawning behaviors of rough shiner are also described.